How To Motivate Your Kids For School and Beyond

May 13, 2013

r-CHILDREN-MOTIVATION-large570Have you had to motivate your kids to do their homework or get a certain grade in school?
What do you use to motivate them? Do you entice them with reward? Or do you threaten them with punishment?

What are the pros and cons of both?
In this week’s show, host Chiao Kee Lim speaks to psychologist, university professor and author of the book How To Motivate Your Child For School and Beyond, Professor Andrew Martin. Listen in and learn about:

• Signs a child is lacking in motivation and what may be the cause of it;
• Whether parents should motivate their children or children should be self-motivated;
• Why reward or punishment is not always helpful in motivating children;
• The three factors parents should focus on when motivating children;
• Four strategies to motivate your children for school and beyond.

Go HERE for the show.

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About The Guest

Andrew Martin, BA (Hons), MEd (Hons), PhD, is Professorial Research Fellow and Australian Research Council Future Fellow at the University of Sydney specializing in motivation, engagement, achievement, and quantitative research methods.

Andrew is a Registered Psychologist recognized for psychological and educational research in achievement motivation and for the quantitative methods he brings to the study of applied phenomena. Although the bulk of his research focuses on motivation, engagement, and achievement, Andrew is also published in important cognate areas such as boys’ education, gifted and talented, academic resilience and academic buoyancy, personal bests, pedagogy, parenting, teacher-student relationships, and Aboriginal education. His research papers have been published internationally in journals in Australia, the U.K and the U.S.

For tools and resources on motivating children, visit Prof. Andrew Martin’s site at




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Tags: , how to get your kids to be self-motivated, how to motivate children, how to motivate your child for school and beyond, how to motivate your kids, how to motivate your kids to do well in school, how to teach your kids work ethics, , , Professor Andrew Martin, should parents motivate their children?, should you use punishment to motivate your child, should you use reward to motivate your child, , University of Sydney,

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